COnvergence Mktg:

As a women-owned creative agency deeply committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), we specialize in both traditional and digital marketing strategies designed to unlock the power of convergence. Our objective is to deliver meaningful, measurable, and sustainable outcomes that not only drive your business forward but also foster a more equitable and inclusive environment.

Convergence Marketing Unveiled:
Harmonizing Strategies for a Seamless Consumer Journey

In today's digital world, where countless communication channels abound, Convergence Marketing stands out as the linchpin for crafting a unified brand message. This innovative strategy breaks through traditional marketing boundaries, seamlessly blending diverse platforms to deliver a cohesive narrative to consumers, no matter where they are.

What is Convergence Marketing?

Convergence Marketing is a strategic approach that integrates various marketing channels—digital, social media, content, email, traditional, and more—into a cohesive force. It's a holistic method that ensures all marketing efforts work together harmoniously to reinforce the same message, enrich the brand experience, and prompt consumer action.

The Pillars of Convergence Marketing:

Integration Across Platform

Seamless Experience: Whether on social media, mobile apps, or in-store, customers expect a seamless journey. Convergence Marketing intertwines these platforms for uninterrupted interaction.

Seamless Integration

Data-Driven Decision Making

Informed Strategies: Harnessing data analytics ensures strategic decisions align with consumer desires and market trends. With Convergence Marketing, every move is calculated for success.

Elevated Engagement

Customer-Centric Approach

Personalized Interactions: Understanding customer needs is paramount. Convergence Marketing places the consumer at the forefront, fostering impactful and tailored interactions.

Differentiation & Future-Readiness

Adaptability & Innovation

Agile Strategies: In a dynamic market, adaptability is key. Convergence Marketing enables swift adjustments based on real-time feedback and evolving consumer behavior.

Consistent Branding

Consistent Messaging & Branding

Unified Voice: From tweets to billboards, maintaining consistent messaging builds trust and recognition. Convergence Marketing ensures your brand speaks with one voice across all channels..

Adaptability & Innovation

Differentiation & Future-Readiness

Brand Identity: Standing out today and preparing for tomorrow's changes is essential. Convergence Marketing crafts a brand proposition that's both distinctive and future-proof.

Enhanced ROI

Why Convergence Marketing?

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, businesses face the challenge of navigating numerous marketing channels while ensuring coherence and effectiveness. Convergence Marketing offers a solution by harmonizing diverse strategies and platforms, aligning all facets of the business towards a singular objective: driving growth.

Breaking Down Silos, Building Success

By embracing Convergence Marketing, organizations dismantle silos between departments, fostering collaboration and synergy across the entire spectrum of operations. From marketing to sales, customer service to product development, every team member becomes an integral part of the orchestrated symphony to maximize brand impact and revenue generation.

Navigating the Complex Digital Terrain

In an era marked by the proliferation of digital touchpoints, Convergence Marketing emerges as a necessity rather than a luxury. With consumers interacting across many channels, businesses must adopt a holistic approach to ensure consistent messaging and engagement. Convergence Marketing serves as the compass, guiding organizations through the complexities of the digital ecosystem toward sustained success.

Studies show that companies leveraging Convergence Marketing experience a

  • 30% increase in customer engagement and a

  • 25% rise in revenue growth.

Join the Evolution

Embark on a transformative journey with us and witness the power of Convergence Marketing in action. Explore our comprehensive strategies and diverse services tailored to meet your unique needs. Together, let's redefine the way you connect with your audience and unlock extraordinary possibilities for your business.

Gwen Myslinski, CEO/ Founder Convergence Mktg

Gwen Myslinski, Founder & CEO of Convergence Mktg, emphasizes the pivotal role of messaging in marketing:

“Messaging is the game-changer in marketing. It's not just words – it's the force that sparks connections, triggers decisions, and fuels success.”

Empowering Brands with Comprehensive Marketing Solutions: From Strategy to Execution, We've Got You Covered

Marketing Strategy

Crafting tailored marketing strategies is crucial for brand success. Our approach includes:

  • Target Audience Analysis

  • Competitive Landscape Review

  • Persona Creation

  • Messaging

  • Content Audits

  • Integrated Marketing Plans

  • Performance Metrics & KPIs

  • Channel Optimization

  • Budgeting & ROI Projections

Content Strategy

Compelling content is key to engaging audiences. Our strategy covers:

  • Infographics

  • Social Media Content

  • Blog Posts

  • Newsletters

  • SEO-Optimized Website Content

  • Video Content

  • E-books & Whitepapers

  • Interactive Content

  • Podcasts

Brand Identity/ Design

We craft memorable brand identities through:

  • Brand Identity

  • Website Design

  • Digital Collateral

  • Print Collateral

  • Packaging Design

  • Visual Content

  • Typography & Fonts

  • Brand Guidelines

Digital Marketing

Leverage digital channels for brand growth with services like:


  • Website Management

  • PPC Campaign Management

  • Email Campaigns

  • Video Production

  • Social Media Management

  • Affiliate Marketing

  • Analytics & Reporting

Schedule a Strategy Call